When I have heard his lectures online or about Buddhism their idea on compassion it is different than most people think of it in the West. It becomes more and more common giving compassion.
Before going I was wandering how his holiness looks at disability? Bad karma? Something you are able to do something about? I didn´t ask him but now I think I know what he would say: "It is life". He said so on similar subjects.
I agree in many of his statements: One of the important ones about leadership is: "Weapon control must take place in your heart". He used an example when he explained that anything can be used as a weapon. When he was 4 years old he used his nails to scratch his brother when he was mad at him.
He truly believe that we are all one. - Everybody suffer when someone suffers. At the same time it is possible to be happy. Something that is also in my experience to be true. How can we serve the most?: To be happy and create surplus in every aspect, then share.