Time to care about your emotional thrive as well as the rest of your wellbeing.
Somatic psychotherapy and conversations.
Sometimes in our lives it can be a gift of self care or more feeling of nessasarity to consult others for help. To step into a room with support and neutral space in the meaning you are listneded to with ears with no everyday history or hooks in a relationshipwith you. The interest here is your personal growt in a safe space.
There are many reasons for psychotherapy and for somatic psycho therapy. It can be giving yourself a healing space, wanting more insights and personal development simply as you want to be conscious on i.e. eathing healthy and taking care of your body or due to more traumatic events or unsatiesfied in your life.
Sometimes to make peace with situations from the past where our nervous system or brain is still reactive as for instance in stress, traumas, the internal record player on repeat. Feelings of emptiness, anger, depressions, meaninglessness can be other areas to work with and look at.
In organic psychotherapy the approach can be both somatic with conversation and be conversation with body awareness and hands on depending on you and on the situation.
We see the body is a living organism. An organized whole. Unfinished situations and unresolved things from prior experiences will show in your body. Sometimes show as pain, insomnia, restlessness and disease and other. By putting spot on our feelings and patterns, of for that matter our physicality and energetically in your body, get conscious about what is yours and dealing with it, transformation can become possible. Connect to what serves in the present time and not, sometimes training new skills, so you can set yourself free.
Some of the gains can be feeling and getting in contact with your emotions and embodied memory where you don´t nessacary have a conscious memory though your body has, as well as awareness, relief grief, anger and other from the past.
Theoretically I work within references of gestalt therapy, client centered therapy, more narrative methods and with more physical and hands on awareness from Bio Synthesis, Bioenergetics, Organismic Psychotherapy and more.
Why work with the body and somatics.
Today the marjority have experienced stress and burn out and it affects our nervous system long term.
The therapy is about living authentically and connected with you. To unfold yourself and live a meaningfull life in the present that suits and fulfill you.
The somatic psychotherapy can take place on a madras, chair, standing, lying down, sitting … You take and have an active part.
A session is normally 1,5 hours with somatic therapy.
The sessions can be in Danish and English as needed.
The Individual sessions is irl and online - if online of course with the limets and posibilities that has.
1,5 h somatic pshycho therapy: 399 $ / 404 € / 3000 dkr
1 h Somatic psychotherapy: 265 $ / 269 € / 2000 dkr
1 h conversation online: 265 $ / 269 € / 2000 dkr
If you are interested in a group therapy for persons who has been through trauma, a dificult lifesituation and want to change your approach and how you fell, please reach out.
[email protected]
In service, with love,
Ajeetdev Kaur Khalsa
Somatic psychotherapy and conversations.
Sometimes in our lives it can be a gift of self care or more feeling of nessasarity to consult others for help. To step into a room with support and neutral space in the meaning you are listneded to with ears with no everyday history or hooks in a relationshipwith you. The interest here is your personal growt in a safe space.
There are many reasons for psychotherapy and for somatic psycho therapy. It can be giving yourself a healing space, wanting more insights and personal development simply as you want to be conscious on i.e. eathing healthy and taking care of your body or due to more traumatic events or unsatiesfied in your life.
Sometimes to make peace with situations from the past where our nervous system or brain is still reactive as for instance in stress, traumas, the internal record player on repeat. Feelings of emptiness, anger, depressions, meaninglessness can be other areas to work with and look at.
In organic psychotherapy the approach can be both somatic with conversation and be conversation with body awareness and hands on depending on you and on the situation.
We see the body is a living organism. An organized whole. Unfinished situations and unresolved things from prior experiences will show in your body. Sometimes show as pain, insomnia, restlessness and disease and other. By putting spot on our feelings and patterns, of for that matter our physicality and energetically in your body, get conscious about what is yours and dealing with it, transformation can become possible. Connect to what serves in the present time and not, sometimes training new skills, so you can set yourself free.
Some of the gains can be feeling and getting in contact with your emotions and embodied memory where you don´t nessacary have a conscious memory though your body has, as well as awareness, relief grief, anger and other from the past.
Theoretically I work within references of gestalt therapy, client centered therapy, more narrative methods and with more physical and hands on awareness from Bio Synthesis, Bioenergetics, Organismic Psychotherapy and more.
Why work with the body and somatics.
Today the marjority have experienced stress and burn out and it affects our nervous system long term.
The therapy is about living authentically and connected with you. To unfold yourself and live a meaningfull life in the present that suits and fulfill you.
The somatic psychotherapy can take place on a madras, chair, standing, lying down, sitting … You take and have an active part.
A session is normally 1,5 hours with somatic therapy.
The sessions can be in Danish and English as needed.
The Individual sessions is irl and online - if online of course with the limets and posibilities that has.
1,5 h somatic pshycho therapy: 399 $ / 404 € / 3000 dkr
1 h Somatic psychotherapy: 265 $ / 269 € / 2000 dkr
1 h conversation online: 265 $ / 269 € / 2000 dkr
If you are interested in a group therapy for persons who has been through trauma, a dificult lifesituation and want to change your approach and how you fell, please reach out.
[email protected]
In service, with love,
Ajeetdev Kaur Khalsa