Kundalini Yoga
Sharing the teachings as taught by Yogi Bhajan in groups, individual sessions and on special requests (i.e. coulples and others) in Denmark and abroad. Teaching in Danish and English as needed. Both new and experienced yoginis and yogis are welcome.
Kundalini yoga as taught in KRI (Kundalini Reseacrh Institute)
Kundalini yoga is the yoga of inner awareness. You´ll have all the answers in you, when you connect.
Will get the strength for life and challenges in the practice. Access the space for just enjoying being you.
It is a dynamic form of yoga.
A class always has a specific structure where we tune in with the adi mantra, warm up, then a kriya often followed by deep relaxation and then meditation, before ending the session with a song and mantra for you to hold your energy, conection and space.
Our prana - that is out life energy, is important. We work with breath - pranayama in the classes. Sound is vibration and we are vibration. Within this tradition of kundalini yoga we believe first was the sound, and all came from that. Therefor and because we stimulate our meridians and other we work with mantras and voice as a natural and important part of the yoga.
We work with connecting to our inner wisdom and truth.
Please reach out for futher info on regular classes, 1:1 classes, workshops and events.
Most will be shared at https://www.facebook.com/Allissupport
You are welcome to reach out by phone or mail if you have questions.
[email protected], whatsapp: +45 4141 2180.
Kundalini yoga as taught in KRI (Kundalini Reseacrh Institute)
Kundalini yoga is the yoga of inner awareness. You´ll have all the answers in you, when you connect.
Will get the strength for life and challenges in the practice. Access the space for just enjoying being you.
It is a dynamic form of yoga.
A class always has a specific structure where we tune in with the adi mantra, warm up, then a kriya often followed by deep relaxation and then meditation, before ending the session with a song and mantra for you to hold your energy, conection and space.
Our prana - that is out life energy, is important. We work with breath - pranayama in the classes. Sound is vibration and we are vibration. Within this tradition of kundalini yoga we believe first was the sound, and all came from that. Therefor and because we stimulate our meridians and other we work with mantras and voice as a natural and important part of the yoga.
We work with connecting to our inner wisdom and truth.
Please reach out for futher info on regular classes, 1:1 classes, workshops and events.
Most will be shared at https://www.facebook.com/Allissupport
You are welcome to reach out by phone or mail if you have questions.
[email protected], whatsapp: +45 4141 2180.
- 12.15 - 13.45 at Tinkuy, Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen C.
You are welcome to join for a free tryout if you are new to Tinkuy. Else you can buy a monthly membership at tinkuy.dk -This will give you access to a huge amount of spiritual classes and workshops with different teachers.
Sat Nam (meaning "truth is your identity")
Ajeetdev Kaur Khalsa
Whatsapp:+45 41412180, mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
- Time to YOU
- Focus on what you want to work with. A few exsamples: Creating a stable pracsis, a challanging physical area, other related to your soul or mind. Create pressence in you and connect to your surplus.
- Up front I´ll ask if there are specific areas you want to work with. Then there is the session at the arranged time and a follow up.
- Cost is 700dkk, 105 usd
- The session(s) are confirmed when payment has been recieved. It is transfered prior the sessions. Canscleration at least 24 hours before the apointment to have fee refunded minus 10% for administration. If canceling same day you can give/sell the session to someone else.
Sat Nam (meaning "truth is your identity")
Ajeetdev Kaur Khalsa
Whatsapp:+45 41412180, mail: [email protected] / [email protected]