When sometimes I experience it takes more time to achieve something than I thought or felt it would I tune in.
One of the reasons many of us sometimes experience is both on one hand being scared of failure and on the other hand at success as standing or sitting in our Power.
To live our inner true. To believe in our ability to make great solutions in our lives and to contribute in society or even worldwide. It is a choise if we choose to believe in our ability to create or land great solutions. We can tell us self that we are able to and of course then it is easier to achieve than if telling us the upposite.
But it is not just telling us self.
We all know those world famous leaders as Aung San Suu Kyi, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi who are (and were) so powerful. Powerful by sitting and standing in their power. Their courage, open hearts and being true. (In Congruence, integrity and authensity.)
Many people say they want to stand in their power and abilities and at the same time or sometimes to more permanently the under dog has tanken over. I believe in your ability to glow and glow and to shine even more to stand and sit in your power.
Just give it a thought how you can power up even more. Notice how it feels in your body? Still breathing? Feeling free, -limited, -happy....?
Of course there are a chance of failing when we do something new. Or if we are more kind to us self not using the frame failing but rehearsing and getting the experience just as learning to driving a bike. If we do no try we are sure to be failing. If and when we do try, when we are in integrity, at peace and with an open heart that is the most powerful thing a human can be and -do.
Contribute with oneself and your amazing being and skills.
I salute you to tune in. I salute you to step even more into your power.
Sit or stand in your power, just because you are you and you deserve all the best. The rest of us do to.
Please give it to YOU and share you to the rest of us.
For Joy, Love & Success
All Is Support
Some examples of being in my power, here very active lie and sitting. (first two with fire breath ;-) ):