Other times, we descover or know it does not work. You do everything "right" and it "should" give a certain result, but does not do it. Here you have the choice to think out of the box.
An example is to do something completely new.
For instance How did I get the idea to take an education and exams in Qoya - Feminine Yoga Dance in 2012-13, in a wheelchair and while it was very difficult to keep my balance when I was sitting there?
Well, because it felt like something that was for me. Therefore obvious to try. Once I was there and got started- it and I felt so great. I "came home" again, and Qoya goes so well with me and what I stand for.
Did I know that I would succeed?
Not in the begining.
I had examined the posibility to go to there both partially and completely in the training days. From there on, what it would take to achieve the education and exam. So I did. Finally after 1 year of training, I took the exam via webcam on Skype, where I taught a Qoya session to a group while the founder of Qoya Rochelle Schieck was on the line from the United States. It was an alternative solution we created, but also an alternative situation that was possible.
The point is: I did what I could, not what I could not. I learned and was able to do more and more along the way.
The point is: I could have thought: "It does not work - the course is on the 5th floor without elevator and I must be carried up and down". I could have thought: "I sit in a wheelchair, so it shall never work out. I´m very sorryyyyy ...." Where we kill our energy and creativity. There are so many ways we can slow ourselves.
OR CHOOSE to uplift ourselves. If we do not get the ideas how to do it or the solutions ourselves - then fortunantly there are so much help to get around us.
In what areas are you brilliant to create constructive and loving solutions? What do you do? Can you transfer it to other areas of your life? Do you allow yourself to think out of the box and see where you land? Feel how it feels within you when you create the solutions and results.
When you try something new, think creatively, it also means that you can be successful. At other times even more new initiatives and attempts must be done. When you reach your solution and goal, it feels so good.
You can choose your values and mindset. Choose what base you give to yourself. You can set and hold the intention and then act on it. Increase your energy to where the solutions much easier arrives and while you at the same time are exuberant of energy. This is where your creativity comes into play, put into action, filling you with joy, love and where you reach your goals.
Whatever is YOUR way, I wish for you that you have joy, love and pleasure as the way to achieve your goals and dreams in your life. Think outside the box. The result can be impressively and good.
If you would like to experience Qoya, you are so lucky that there is starting a new course for women already Sunday, February 1st 2015 in Copenhagen. If you have registered to receive the Danish "Tips & Inspiration Mail" (on the Danish site www.alterstoette.dk) you right now get a special price. You can see more about Qoya - Feminine Yoga Dance in Danish here and the upcomming Qoya course "Give light to your inner queen & goddess" here. Sometimes being in contact with our body makes us able to get the right ideas and solutions fast and easily.
Your brain and your body is worth gold. Feel your body. Then:
For Joy, Love & Success
Kristina Seia Sangvita