Success is defined in many ways. One of them is to aks for help!
Our believes and feelings have great influence in how we lead usself and others. Do you generally believe you succeed or do you always fear to fail and not to be good enough? Make drama to fail and do it even though you are skilled and talented. Guess what: You can succeed and you are worth it! Yes you! Pessimism can be expression of leading style, a work culture, nation culture, bad habit, low self-esteem or low self-worth. I believe in OPTIMISM. I believe in our right to feel, live and be Joyful, HAPPY and to have success both in work life and private. I´ll give a few examples in how it can affect on leading level and everyday life. If I was a pessimist I could sit behind my employees and every time they took action say: "Are you really sure you can find out to do that?" or "I´m not sure you can do it." "Ohh, that nearly vent wrong there - it did ..." and so on. How does it make you feel to set youself in the assistant/employees possision then? Many people does exactly like above to themself every single day. Live by their fear and scaredness - their pessimism. In professional life as work leader and in my business I choose optimism. It´s a natural and conscious choice for me. I believe in me and my employees abilities to reach for our goals and to make success. In work life and as work leader I believe in my assistants abilities to communicate and to do the work tasks. The believing takes some responsibility and sometimes makes more goals achievable than if I didn´t believe in them, me and us as a team. Seldom it happens that someone can´t or will not. Then we can talk about it or I choose to make some with more positive values a part of my team. An example is if there is enough time for a task. It´s good for me to set a realistic time and for me assistants to tell me when it´s enough or not and to suggest how to accomplish the days goals. Sometimes quite many and sometimes fewer. Basically I believe in them and their abilities. Both I and my employees grow with the task. It´s easier to succeed when we believe in us self and when people we surruound us do to. It´s not that I or my staff can´t be angry or feel sad. Sometimes we do. Basically there is just a universe of difference if I know life will work out for the best - because of my choice and fait my ability to live it. Choosing to believe that things will work out for the best and doing my best to make them. Personal When writing this blog I choose optimism. I believe I´m able to. I believe in the perfect outcome for now. If I didn´t believe I could do a blog I would stop myself. The self limitation could be many, i.e. dyslexia, foreign language, ... or simply worrying what does other people thing? It shall be no less that The Ultimative Blog. It´s very liberating when choosing to believe in my ability accomplishing things. My body is very concrete example (getting better). My leadership is to (from crises to success). I love living joyful, vital, fun, every single day. Love that kind of optimistic leadership. So I choose optimism. Makes it more Joyful and easier to accomplish Success. Invite you to do to! |
April 2023
Ajeetdev Kaur Khalsa