Here are a few tips on remedies to feel better above yoga, meditation, self care️, napkins & rest 😉😊
Hot cacao: Good cacao powder, boiling water, fresh (smashed) ginger, essential oil drops from orange, -rose and -lavender. All organic ingredients. That makes a sore throat more at ease 💐☀️🌟💖 Taste-wice I personly like the drink most with only orange and rose oils and ginger (and no lavender). The lavender is though great for ease a soar throath. Experiment for your own favourite.
Of course there are also clasdics as:
"Ginger, lemon with or without honey", where you add the ingredients and boiling water.
Herbal steam: A bowl with boiled water and camomile where you hold your head over the bowl and cover with a towel around your head and the bowl so you get a herbal steam to lousen up and cleanse your glands.
Enjoy and feel great and fresh fast.
Blessings, Light & Love 🙏🦄
Ajeetdev Kaur
#HotCacao #SelfLove #SelfCare
#influinza #Cold #HealthTip
#EssentialOils #Love #Vegan
#Gratitude #Blessed #Blessings
#Allissupport #YourSoulConnectionShowsYouTheWay