When we grow up we are often encouraged to choose and believe in our parents mindsets, the school system, part of society (in some contries in churches, doctors, ...) ... Sometimes the values salute us, makes us expand, glow and grow. Empower us and we have a party living. At other times they do not. Some of our belief is influenced by cultural aspects.
Many grown ups are taking classes in leadership, empowerment, personal development, more education, ....
Also here we get to choose. Which values and which mentors we consult and belief.
It is so simple. Do we or our mentors belive in our ability to achieve goals in each level in life, to feel fantastic and awesome no matter what, or do they say: "We are so sorry for you", "Poor little you", "Someone did you wrong" and so on.
I believe it is most important to listen to our inner true and integrity. When we want to learn new stuff or mindset then examine which mentors resonate the most.
Sometimes we do take a stand feeling the empowerment. As time goes bye perhaps we discover new values. Now we have a new stand and a new trueth.
Three examples:
1. At some point in life some people have "the poor little me", "the other persons/parents/schools/society faults". It can be empowering for a person who shall discover his/her right for example to be angry, to allow themself to be who they are ... When that has been learned and learned about thier own reponsibility in life they can move on to a new upgrated mindset.
2. If I have a toothache. I can coose to see it as the universe are confident in my ability to handle it. To see it as: Upgrate in the rooths. The old system is not enough anymore and better will come.
I take very good care of my teeth and though I do that they sometimes react. There can be taken so many views:
- Genetic
- Do I have inflammation somewhere in my emotional rooths and now it is time for a consious upgrate ...
- It can be the gate to something much better.
- I could also go with the poor little me. Feeling sorry for myself, talking about injustice...
- Letting the anxiety for loosing all my teeht take over. That would absolutely be dis-empowering myself. I rather choose the mindset where I belive in my ability to handle and land great solutions.
3. Do you believe in your ability and unique gift to earn monye with joy, love and integrity?
It is a choice. What empower you the most?
When believing in our ability to handle and acomplish we most often are able to. It is the premise for achieving.
So choose the mindset that empower you the most, for what you want to achieve in your life and for who you want to be.
Take your leap into more joyful leadership. Leap into more empowerment. Choose the mindset where you are your own C.E.O. in your life.
For Joy, Love & Success
All Is Support
Kristina Seia Sangvita