You get an impulse, vitality and loads of energy in your body. You choose to follow or let go.
Most of us have many conscious impulses a day and in our lives.
Sometimes we suppress an impulse. This is of course good, if we by doing so, are taking better care of ourselves.
For instance the alcoholic not drinking alcohol ...
Other impulses are those, where we FEEL our true nature and true PASSION. If we suppress the impulses for too long we risk that they die. We do not pursuit our dreams and we die a bit inside. That is such a shame. At other times the timing is just not right and it is easier to let go.
There are times where there is something big you want but also many practical reason not to follow your impulse right there.
I have had a lot of reflections on the topic lately.
There are a couple of things I really really want. One I have succeeded in easily. The other is still to come. That made me wonder why and when I follow my impulses. The first I suppressed all summer and then gave in 2 weeks ago. The champagne blew out of the bottle. I saw and heard a lot of symbols to take action. Did for a long time but had loads of good reasonable arguments not to take this direction. The second impulse I did follow. The result is still to come. It made me think that faith and having the bodily knowledge and experience makes it easier to execute and manifest the impulse in real world and life. To succeed in it´s intention.
When there is a pressure in the bottle it is good to follow the impulse so you don´t suppress all the energy building up inside of you. The champagne will sparkle and so will you.
You´ll gain even more energy and sparkles when you do what you are meant to do and follow your knowledge and healthy impulses.
My personal option was applying for the Kundalini Yoga Instructor education (KRI level 1). It was one of those times in life when I just knew something was meant to be - even though I am still sitting in a wheelchair. That there was a spot for me.
I started last weekend!