Do you know a time in your life where giving up were the best thing happening to you?
In many places it is totally unexpected to give up. It is a taboo. People, society, familily and friends are saying "You must FIGHT", "keep going". Sometimes that is absolutely the best to do. But not always.
Sometimes it is better to give in and give up. Yes I said it. And I mean it. I have had mentors speaking of cycles and in withdrawing, time to meture something, ... Those are also true. But sometimes the best thing is to give up.
Then something totally unexpected good, near magical comes along and make it even better than you ever knew were possible. Weel it is. If what you are up to doesn´t work and makes you feel bad, if you have tried to get better in this area and you still feel awefull it is time to do something knew perhaps give up.
Newly I again saw and heart a specific interview with Wayne Dyer. Finaly someone else also had the words to explain. It made sence on a deeper level. It was just like a very serious matter I once went through. He talked about giving up. Be or get to that point where you "just" give in and give up. Then a shift can take place and you live from somewhere new.
It can be at soul level or a particulair matter where you change. When it is a big deal and something really matters in your life and for you to listen to and follow your heart and visdom truth. You are ready to take the consequences nomatter what they are because it is YOU.
Personly I am alive and I am VIBRANT HAPPY because I at once gave up. Before I FOUGHT. I was a FIGHTER. Back then I thougt giving up was no good. I am not talking about not having strainght. But to say no to something to be able to say yes to new. Saying yes to you and to life.
To me let to my biggest change in life.
Sometimes we need to give up, to let go to let in. These kind of life transormation we sometimes not know are comming. If you are a fighter it can be valuable to know.
Giving up can sometimes be the very best thing to do to let in something much better new. Your soul and you.