Foot bath with roses.
One of many ways is foot bath with epsom salt, essential oils, a little oil for your skin and petals or whole flowers.
Your feet carry your body through life and deserve some love and care.
Here I have used rose hips and for essential oils: oregano (anti inflammatory & detoxing), rose (calming & sensual) and spearmint (refreshing). Cocunut oil, epsom salt. I used red rosehips, that can help with grounding and also with feeling secure. Themes related to 1st chakra and then love theme in 4th chakra plus the smell/sense stimulating upper chakras.
If you haven't tried with flowers yet then have a go and see how it feels. Maybe prepare it for both yourself and a beloved. Nomatter if you are a goddess, a god or another gender your body and soul deserve some nourishment and love.
Blessings of nourishment to all,
#Gratitude #Selfcare #Selflove #Goddess #DivineFeminine #Gods #Roses