"I am as I am as I am as I am as I am ..."
Try saying it out loud to yourself in a mirror or to someone you trust. If it is the mirror then look at your eyes while saying I am as I am as I am as I am. If someone trusted then look into his/her eyes.
It can feel both awesome and terrible to say that.
When you feel awesome in general in your life then it can be easy feeling and being you. Also saying the sentence above.
When we get scared most of us tent to try making an escape either disappearing, attacking or shut down. When you discover that is what is happening, then it is time to go back to you again. (Metaphorically and physical if it feels wright for you support your back, your abilities and spine.) You can deal with what is going on and be you at the same time.
A rose never try to be anything else than a rose. It is beautiful as it is. So are you when you shine as you.
If difficult there are many tools to love being you, feeling your body, mind and soul. - From yoga, to affirmations, to therapy, to meditation ...
I salute you being and saying: "I am as I am as I am ..."
The point being you are you! That is awesome!
For Joy, Love & Success
All Is Support
Kristina Seia Sangvita